Site publié le 21/6/2003
Since 03/06/21
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Dernière mise à jour le 31/10/08
Last update 08/10/31

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  Here are some of the ideas and things I happen to care about. For each of those, I try'n find informations, links, pictures...

Eco-logical vehicles
Computers : some good stuff
Favourite foreign countries & languages :

English :
 - a few links and ideas
 - my cycle ridings with BritsNimes

Japanese : why ? and  how ?

Mongolia : why and how ?

Links related to these and other countries
Motorcycling : sorry, my weakness...
Anything else ? teardrops

Contact webmaster

Le temps aujourd'hui à Nîmes
Following the "voie verte" (green path) from Calvisson to Sommières : picnic at Junas in the stone quarry
(clic on the picture above to go back to ridings list)